So where to begin life is crazy. Me and my FH{Future Hubby} went registering yesterday it was loads of fun wrapped up in bundle's of excitement. We went to Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond and scanned nearly everything in the stores!!!! No one ever told me that scaning bar codes with a pricing gun could be so much fun! Dishes-----Bleep, Silver Wear-----Bleep, Rug----Bleep, Toster------Bleep, Yeah fun! Anyways with every good there is a little bad, for instance. I could STRANGLE Bed, Bath and Beyond. On my registry they put items I did not ask for, and I understand I could have mis-scanned but no these were lawn chairs and dorm room bedding and a robe vest something someone could have not possibly mis-scanned. SO do I yell at them or not? I guess I should just take a breath call and calmly explain that I did not know why nor did I want those items on my list. Well lets do this.
Fill ya in later.

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