Monday, September 14, 2009

Long time no post.......

Ok so it has been very long! I have alot going on and little time to blog....... So if words are mis-spelled and things dont make sense. That explains it
So heres the run down.
Got a new house, fixing it up, spending lots of money, doing invites, doing programs, dress fittings, gift buying, wedding food choices, pictures, flowers, tables, napkins, lots of choices, lots to do little time, 40 days left! I am in love, can't make everyone happy, sizing, mesurements, shoes shoes shoes, have to pick gifts, no time to sleep, no time to eat, must take a nap, i cant do it all, bachlorette party, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Must slow down and breathe.

-I will have pics of the new house soon!

Here are some engagement photos of Jeff and I.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

House Hunting.......

So Jeff and I have been searching all over the place for a cute small starter home with great potential and the price tag to match, and let me tell you house hunting is difficult. With our price range everything we look at has to have a little cosmetic work but we are guaranteed to find something that is perfect for us to start our new life in. Some people say we are just to picky but I say we just know what we want. I mean, is a nice home not in the ghetto with enough rooms to have a my scrapbooking room, Jeff's man cave and a bedroom too much to ask for????? I don't think so! And I am determined to find it. With our wedding being 94 days away we have alot of searching to do but bi-golley were going to do it! Well I am at work and just thought I would go on a small rampage...... SO much love to ya all.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Working Girl......

Work, work, work and more work that's been my life lately. I've worked 10 out of the 15 days possible. I know some people work more and some people don't have work at all and I shouldn't be complaining but it's exhausting! I think my feet are even swollen! OK so most are thinking really, honestly, come on now. BUT it's true! At my job we don't sit we don't work at a desk we help customers, put product out and deal with somewhat over reactant customers. For example the other day I had one crazy very rude lady...... In fact that's what we'll call her Mrs. Rude.

Me: Hi can I help you?

Mrs. Rude: Yes I would like to return these.

Me: Actually we can't return paper because it is not in a package. I'm sorry.

Mrs. Rude: Are you serious! Well I cant print on this paper what to you expect me to freakin do with it!

Me: I'm really sorry Ma' am that's just our return policy.

Mrs. Rude: What Return Policy!?!?!? I didn't see any return Policy!

Me: Its printed right here at the bottom of the receipt, and posted right here at both the registers.

Mrs. Rude: (while stomping away) Whatever, I don't know what you expect me to do with it then you can just keep the freakin paper then I have nothing to do with it! (Throwing it down)

This is a true story. And I must ask, why are people so rude! why can't people just be nicer? What makes people so mean? And I must say, I hope she never comes back. I would rather 12 nice customers instead of 600 evil ones.

Till Later-JoAnna

Friday, July 10, 2009

New Moon Countdown

It's been long.

So where to begin life is crazy. Me and my FH{Future Hubby} went registering yesterday it was loads of fun wrapped up in bundle's of excitement. We went to Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond and scanned nearly everything in the stores!!!! No one ever told me that scaning bar codes with a pricing gun could be so much fun! Dishes-----Bleep, Silver Wear-----Bleep, Rug----Bleep, Toster------Bleep, Yeah fun! Anyways with every good there is a little bad, for instance. I could STRANGLE Bed, Bath and Beyond. On my registry they put items I did not ask for, and I understand I could have mis-scanned but no these were lawn chairs and dorm room bedding and a robe vest something someone could have not possibly mis-scanned. SO do I yell at them or not? I guess I should just take a breath call and calmly explain that I did not know why nor did I want those items on my list. Well lets do this.

Fill ya in later.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

What Is There To Say......Life Is Awesome.

Just wanted to post 1 fantastic truth
............................... I GRADUATE TONIGHT....................................
Can anyone say pumped up. I am so(x20,000 O's) Excited. I am a little nervouse but just the normal stuff such as falling flat on my face or tripping or running into someone but hey, life goes on. Well I can say one amazing thing about tonight is that our commencment is on the football feild (Ahhhh Just like in the movies) Another great thing is that all of my family is going to be there(Excluding the nephews and niece's = ( .....My Brother Jason And His Wife Kelly, My Sister Mandy and her Husband Steve, My Sister Jamie My brother Tad and of course my parents!!!!!! Oh and Jeff's going to be there. Well anyways I just felt the need to blog about my graduation..............................Wish me Luck.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009


So I've decided that being a Senior is........... AWESOME! I should have been a Senior all of my high school career. I don't know what it is that makes teachers and staff at good ol' NHS treat us so amazingly, Is it that they never have to see us again? Or is it that they love us and are excited their teachings lead to something? Well anyways I won't ponder that to long. At this point everyone is probably wondering what brings up these questions, and what exactly are they doing to treat us amazing, well let me tell you. This morning 1st block Mrs. McKeel made us waffles and let us watch T.V. all morning! During seminar Seniors didn't need passes to go anywhere and could pretty much rome the halls as we pleased. And my 2nd and final block our teacher Mr. Carrington bought donuts and juice and let us do whatever on the computers....... AHHHH........... Lets just say Senior days are the best. Well that's all i have to say at the moment But Just to FYI, ONE MORE DAY!!!!!!

Oh and one final note. Underclassmen had to serve us!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

So late.

I just realized the time......Tick Tock Tick Tock go's our grandfather clock, With an occasional
BONG or 12, which is what reminds me of the time. I'm not quite sure when this clock arrived and how I missed it coming through the door but I certainly can't miss the noise. Tonight was crazy at work and
I could do without another night like tonight. It is officially mothers day and I still have to make my Mom a card. I hope some others are unprepared. Well I must go due to droozey eye's and sudden ramblings but, Have a great Mothers Day.
Good Night Everybody!
Oh and here's just a pretty picture of
who I'm nominating as mother of the year!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Long Time Coming......

OK so it's been a while but I've had alot going on. I had Graduation plans and Wedding Plans and just a crazy couple of months. So today is my LAST Friday of High school ever! Next week I'm here Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and then I'm exempt from finals WOOOHOOO! If I think about it to much I would cry, but, It is one of the most exciting things that has ever happened in my life. That is besides me being engaged, That's right I said ENGAGED. It happened on the 3rd of April and it was perfect. I had always told Jeff if at first it wasn't right it was try, try again. But I never thought in back of my work by a dumpster would be the perfect place. Thanks again to T.O and M.B for letting me leave work early!!!!!!! So anyways here's count down- - - - - - - - -

13 Days Until Graduation.
358 Days Until My Wedding

Congrats and I'll Miss You Class Of 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

Thoughts, Feelings and other Mental Notes

Ahh life. What to say about it. Can we put a title on it? Can we make genneral statements? Can one person really even say what to expect? Would you be able to tell someone new coming into the world what to do and what to to live the perfect life? The thing is, is life is full of opinions. Like what I am saying now is my opinion, I am one person in this wide world, but opinions change live's and if I could even make one person think about there life change some things and carry this conversation with sombody else, that's good enough for me. So here I go.

I am one person and here is my opinion, my opinion on life. Talk to your Parents tell them what you need to say, they weren't so different than you once. Don't take Grandparents for granted their there for extra love and attention take advantage of that before there not there anymore. As far as Brothers and Sisters go, well........ Forgive & Forget. Forget stupid fights over things like who's shirt it was, who was sitting there first, who had control of the remote or who's turn it is to do dishes. God gave them to us to love and to be there for comfort. Don't be a fool in love. Don't assume that the one you love loves you back and that they will always be there. When you get someone good hold on to them. Treat people with respect. Be kind to everyone, just because the girl next to you wears the same jeans 4 times a week and the boy across the hall has no friends doesn't make them bad. Don't Be afraid to show your feelings, Cry and Laugh and Smile when you feel the need. Speak out, And most of all Don't lose sight, in your plans, your goals, your faith or who You are. People Can never take who you are away from you.

So....... Thats How I feel One Person In This World, One Person Who Felt The Need To Share Her Opinions And Speak Out.

Monday, February 2, 2009


It was Friday. Friday the 30Th of January. What was this day you ask. Well I will tell you it was my first surprise birthday party! Yes in the 18 years, 5 months and 2 days i have been alive it is my first surprise birthday party. Those of you that know me may know that my birthday is in September, yes I said September, the 25 to be exact. And those of you who don't know me very well now know {just FYI for this year.} Well anyways I may have lost some of you so, Yes my birthday is in September. Yes I just had my Birthday Party {In January.} And yes I know it was 4 months and 5 days late. I would like to say and think that it was so I would be more surprised, but the sad truth is it wasn't. You see my Grandfather died around the time of my birthday this past year which caused complications with my birthday. I wasn't angry or mad or even upset I just felt well alone. My mom and dad were gone all the time dealing with stuff at my grandparents house, my sister worked and my brother well hes never around {hes going through that stupid for one girl stage} And as for my other brothers and sisters they have there own families now. I spent my birthday with my boyfriend but there's something about your family being around that makes a difference. Now don't get me wrong, I got birthday hugs, kisses, cards, presents and cake but no one was around to see my open the cards and presents or blow out the candles. I repetitively told my mom and dad not to worry about it I understood but I know they still felt bad, I'm their baby and I turned 18 that was a big deal. So to my surprise Friday night I walked through the house door to a SURPRISE! And loads of family members. Tears welded up in my eyes and the biggest smile in my life spread across my face.
That was a birthday to remember.
Even now as I think about it I still think it was the best Birthday Ever.
So keep in mind even though you may think no one remembers or cares your family loves you and will never forget you no matter what happens, and don't jump on things right away give it time it will happen.

Friday, January 9, 2009

A loss of Wisdom.

AHHHHHHHHH! I am nervous. In exactly 6 days I am getting my Wisdom teeth pulled. I heard alot of different stories on what to and what no to expect but honestly no matter what I hear I am still just as nervous as before I heard it. My Dad told me that it was going to be Approximately $450 per tooth......That's quite a bit! Anyways he also told me that I had the option to get a shot or opt for the gas which was a bit more expensive, And he would rather me get the shot......I opted for the GAS. Even though I will be knocked out hit up with pain pills and asleep most of the time after. I'm still Nervous about the pain and possible outcomes. There are loads of things that could happen to you during this process.
  • Dry Socket
  • Lock Jaw
And So much more that I can't pronounce. Anyways I'm Nervous And I'm not sure if I will be in pain. But I Pray, PRAY
I'm not.