Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Christmas Shopping

What makes this desicion so hard is that fact that you cant spend a ton of money on one and then a misley amount on the other thats just rude! SO after thinking long and hard I decided to spend $40 each. Lucky Ducks! I should dearly be loved after this christmas.....DEARLY! Well I better get to work so I can remake all that cash I spent.
Have a wondwerful day, and if I don't write again before Christmas I hope you have a Merry one.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Eating Lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe
Go to Wicked
Walking around Chicago for a little while
Than getting back on the buses to head home where we will receive good boxed dinners so we won't get hungry.
I am not only happy but I am very grateful. That was very nice of his parents not only for setting it up but for stopping to think that everyone should be able to go if they had money or not.
This is going to be a great experience. Not only because we don't have to pay for anything, but because it is going to be one thing that I will always remember about my Senior Year getting to do a couple more amazing things with my Senior Class.
So with no Names being said Thank-You. You are going to give me an experience I may have never gotten a chance to experience.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Turkey Day
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Closing Time

OK so maybe not exactly a gazillion but a lot. Anyways, nobody ever told me it would be so hard to quit a job you hate...... But it is! I must have walked past my boss's office 10 times before going in and saying what I had to say. After a few foolish tears. And some questions ( on her part) I was told this would be considered my 2 weeks and she would search for somebody new. YAY!!!
Final Day Of work at the paper Factory
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Welcome To Where Ever You Are.
So Here they are!

I have so much more but just thouhgt the two would work for now If you want to see more go to Jenny's Site!(posted in my last blog)
Jenny Did An Awesome Job And I couldn't be happier!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Oh Happy Days
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
High School Confedential
As you probably guessed from my previous statement I am Officially a Senior.......Yup that's me. Do you know What Senoritas is???? I think I've had it sense 6Th grade......HEHEHE.
Anyways I think my teacher is glaring at me which probably means I should get off and act like I'm working. Wait maybe he's sleeping?!?!?!?!?!?
Well Till Next Time.